Great read. I was fortunate to leave a 10 year Chief tenure on a violent crime decline in an era of increases across the country. But, was it my strategies? Was it luck? Probably a little of both, or maybe neither? A broken clock is always accurate twice per day so maybe my timing was just good! Of all of the plans and programs we attempt in policing I still think our impact on crime overall is minimal, no matter how successful they may seem. However, raise a child in a stable environment from birth with solid nutrition and access to education and healthcare and most of your crime problems will dissipate. But, that is the long game and society is built around the short game!

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by John Roman, PhD

Great analysis, John. You have a way of stimulating our thinking. So I started to think about poverty rates among young adults (which increased recently) and how the Covid19 relief funds may have produced more awareness of being poor. Then I thought, do externalities interact in ways that enhance some externalities and not others, and if one externality is internalized would it change the effects of others? I love the way you continue to tackle this complex set of questions.

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